
Concepts Links

1. Cheatsheet | cheat | Exam Kubectl Cheat Sheet | Kubernetes

2. Print | Output | kubectl Cheat Sheet | Kubernetes

3. Kubectl | Document | Apiversion | Explain | kubectl explain

4. Kubectl | kubectl 02 | kubectl utility | binary | Usage

5. Kubeconfig | sample | config | Configure Access to Multiple Clusters | Kubernetes


1. Create a pod | Create pod | simple pod | volume inside pod | Configure a Pod to Use a Volume for Storage | Kubernetes | Create a pod | Create pod

2. Pod | Static Pod | Create Static Pod

3. ReplicaSet | Replica Set

4. Deployments | Create deployment

5. Service | Create Service | NodePort | Kubernetes

6. kubectl create service nodeport | create nodeport | create service nodeport | service

7. Memory Request | Limits | Request

8. DaemonSet | Kubernetes

9. Configure Pods and Containers | General | All

10. POD DNS Resolution | pod dns | nslookup pod


1. Assigning Pods to Nodes | Kubernetes | Nodename | Specific node for pod | Specific node

2. Taints and Tolerations | Kubernetes

3. Assigning Pods to Nodes | Affinity

4. NodeSelector | Node Selector | Affinity

5. CPU Requests | Limits | Request

6. Scheduler | Multiple Schedulers

7. Custom Scheduler to Pod | Schedulername | Scheduler Name | Mapping | Multiple Scheduler

Commands / Args / INIT Containers

1. Command | Command Example | InitContainers

2. Command | Argument | Define a Command and Arguments for a Container | Kubernetes

3. Capabilities for a Pod or Container | Capabilities | Capability

4. Env | Variable | Environment | Define Environment Variables for a Container | Environment Variable>

5. Multi Container | multiple containers

6. Sidecar command | emptydir | Multi container

7. InitContainer | Init Containers

Cluster Installation

1. Install cluster using kubeadm - 01 | Install Docker

2. Install cluster using kubeadm - 02 | Install Kubeadm | Kubectl | Kubelet

3. Install cluster using kubeadm - 03 | Initialize Cluster | Install Cluster

4. Install cluster using kubeadm - 05 | Install Weavenet pod network addon plugin | Ingress controller

5. Install Cluster Networking | Kubernetes

6. Reset Node | kubeadm reset

Ingress Controller

1. Ingress | Simple Ingress | Ingress rule

2. Ingress | Ingress rule with Host

3. Ingress Controller 01 | install Ingress controller | Nginx Ingress

4. Ingress Controller 02 | install Ingress controller | Nginx Ingress

5. Ingress Controller 03 | install Ingress controller | Nginx Ingress

6. Ingress Controller 04 | install Ingress controller | Nginx Ingress

7. Custom Schdeuler | multiple scheduler

8. Journalctl | Journal | systemctl list-unit-files --all

Role/Role Bindings/RBAC

1. Create role | Create rolebinding | role binding | kubectl | kubectl create role | Using RBAC Authorization

2. Check User access | Authorization


Upgrade Cluster & its components

1. ETCD Backup | ETCD Resore

2. Upgrading kubeadm cluster | upgrade | cluster | Upgrade cluster

3. Drain | Cordon | Uncordon | Node | Safely Drain a Node

4. Reset Node | kubeadm reset

Volume and Storage

1. Volume | Add Volume from Node Hostpath | directory | Node directory | Host directory

2. Volume | PV | Persistent Volume | Persistent from host | PV from node | PV from host

3. Volume | Create PVC | Persistentvolumeclaim

4. Volume | PVC as volume

5. Volume | StorageClass | Storage Classes

6. Release claim | delete claim | pv claim | claimRef

7. Emptydir | Volume


1. Troubleshoot | Troubleshooting

2. Troubleshoot Clusters

© Sravana Kumar Pasupula